This work celebrates the rich history, culture and geography of the City of Newport. Prominent Newport citizens are featured amongst a lush display of flora and fauna native to the area.
Left to right: An image from Kensington Art Tile, a Shawnee Native American, a fur trapper, settlers, General James Taylor, army barracks, inventor E. Crawly, artist Leon Lippert, activist Vincent Saint John, educator Mildred Dean and performer Stepin Fletchit.
In partnership with Art Machine, Inc.
Thanks to the City of Newport and The Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center
Quentin Gibeau
Karron Flagg
Evan Grothjan
Rachel Linnemann
Vishal Mody
Bennett Nestok
Inaya Smith-Sellers
Chad Summe
Natalie Thorsen
Stillson Foundation, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee
Robin and Murray Sinclaire
ArtWorks Adopt an Apprentice contributors
ArtWorks Board of Trustees
Haile Foundation
City of Cincinnati
Ohio Arts Council